Nov 24, 2007

The truth

In Jerry Spence's book, "How to Argue and Win Every Time"
he states it clearly:

"The most articulate, greasy-lipped lawyer is not
able to fool ordinary juries, at least not for long. But my
two-year-old grandson, pounding the table with his rattle, is credible.
He cannot launch a pedagogical argument brimming with splendid language.
Yet, when the child cries, we know he is hungry or tired. Credibility
is becoming the child."

Could YOU be more credible?
Could YOU wear your heart on your sleeve a little more?
Could YOU be open to becoming the child again?

Winston Churchill said: "What the people really want to
hear is the truth. It is the exciting thing - to speak the

Today, at least, try being more open to the truth.Try being more
readable. More honest. More sharing. More "heart-on-sleeve."And see
what a difference being more genuine and credible really makes.

Open to You,


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