Sep 2, 2007

The Major Obstacle to Financial Success

The major mental obstacle to financial success is that some
people believe that they don't really deserve to be rich.

The Biggest Demotivator of All

They have been raised with a steady drumbeat of destructive
criticism, that has led them to conclude, at an unconscious
level, that they don't really deserve to be successful and happy.

The worst effect of negative experiences in childhood, which
are all too common, is that when people actually do succeed
as the result of hard work, they feel guilty. These guilt
feelings then cause them to do things to get rid of the money,
to throw it away. They spend it or invest it foolishly.
They lend it, lose it or give it away. They engage in self-sabotage,
in the form of overeating, excessive drinking, drug usage,
marital infidelity and often dramatic personality changes.

Expecting and Accepting Your Abundance

You really can be healthy, happy and rich. Really.
Thanks to a new resource that prosperity & success guru,
Randy Gage spent years developing.
It's a 31-day program to total Prosperity Consciousness!
It is the first resource of its kind, ever developed in the world.
It will transform you from lack and limitation programming to
prosperity consciousness. For 31 days, Randy will work with you,
helping you go through the same transformation that he did.
Level upon level, he will help you peel away limiting beliefs
and replace them with beliefs that serve you. Level upon level,
he will help you identify fears and conquer them.
And level upon level, he will guide you in a metamorphosis of
your thought process-from how sick, unhappy and broke people
think-to the way healthy, happy, rich people do.

Go to Prosperity and become free!

To Your Prosperity,

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