"Never underestimate the powers of the brain!"...
That's the preaching of many modern lecturers in
the world of the self-help industry.The brain is
called the most complex computer in the world.
It's the one human organ scientists really don't
understand. We only use 10% of it,they say.
And I'm sure they're right.But just for a moment,
I wonder if you could amuse me, as I suggest another
possibility.Maybe, just maybe,your mind is the cause
of all your limitation.You see, it's my belief that
every thought is essentially limiting.
It is the brain that stops an experience being merely
an experience - and reinforces it with labels, such as
"pain" or "suffering.
"It is the brain that remembers that you have a bad habit,
and tells you that you have it -- each time you see another
packet of cigarettes.
It is the brain that links certain situations with feeling happy,
or feeling sad.Well, here's a thought....Maybe you're already
whole and complete and free,but you don't yet realize it.
Maybe -- again, just maybe --
you're absolutely everything you need to be, restricting
yourself by the thoughts you're holding in your mind.
Ultimately, the brain really is the world's most
powerful computer -- but it's only that.A computer.
It records.It plays back. It records. It plays back.
That's great.
Sure, don't underestimate your powerful brain.But don't
overestimate it either.The brain is not you.
You are not your brain. You are not your body.
If you really take the time out to sit back and think about it,
you'll probably sense that there's more to you than your brain
and your physical body.There's a beingness -- an awareness --
that is always present.And when you start to discover that,
you'll discover an eternal freedom that can never be
taken away.
Everything you thought was a problem. Every "bad habit"
you ever had. Every way in which you identify yourself.......
They're all just LABELS created by the brain. They're all
The real you -- the one you know is present and aware of this
text right in this moment -- is always free, and always will be.
It has no other choice.And so, my challenge for today, is to simply:
Be the REAL UNLIMITED YOU.No attachments. No aversions. No labels.
Happy weekend,
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