Apr 27, 2007

You are Standing at the threshold of a new life.

Listen :
You are Standing at the threshold of a new life.

Just discover The Secret to You.
You are the most important thing on the Planet. You and only You...

Have Fun with this …. Repeat as much as you can when you have time …….
Be easy with this …… It's a Powerful Thing.

Apr 22, 2007

The Missing Link

There is a lot of information out there about How to be successful- i mean on line and of line.I'm sure you've heard about need for a clear vision,a strong belief,a good understanding of human behavior and the principles of influence,and copy writing skills.
But what happens when we feel like we're doing all that stuff in the books and tapes,at least to the best of our ability,and we are not really getting where we want to be?
Is it possible that there is a missing link in our program to success?
From my point of view there is a very common piece that gets left out.
We get so busy doing that we neglect it.There are also some mental obstacles that get in the way.

It is a simple idea,but it is not always easy.

The Astonishing Power Of Gratitude

We don't live in a Universe of random chance or luck.
We live in a Universe that works by laws:predictable,repeatable,understandable laws.
The best place I've found to learn on these laws is Wallace Wattles'book,
"The Science of Getting Rich"

"There is a law of gratitude,and if you are to get the results you seek,it is absolutely necessary that you should observe this law."

Gratitude is so important because it is a very high energy positive vibration of thought.It is powerfully attractive!
If we are grateful about everything,we are focusing on what we want.
You'd think with gratitude so important that everyone would be conscious of it.But what I've noticed is that many people are actually pushing away the success they want without knowing it because they are violating this Law!

"People who can sincerely be thankful for things which they own only in imagination have real faith.They will cause the creation of whatever they want."

So,Be Grateful

Apr 15, 2007


Hi everyone,

Smile! Did you ever have a stranger come up to you and say that?
Well, I did. I was waiting in line at the bank the other day, and
someone said that to me. She also added, "Things can't be that bad,
can they?" Now, I wasn't feeling bad about anything – just thinking
something through. But I guess I must have had a serious expression
on my face.

Now, I don't think anyone can go around smiling all the time,
but I've discovered that smiling can do quite a lot for you. First,
it makes you more attractive. People are more drawn to others who
smile, and smiling can be contagious. It also uses quite a few muscles
in the face and makes you look younger. I'm all for that! Who needs
a face lift when they can smile instead?

When you're stressed, you can look tired or worn down. And there
again, smiling not only makes you look better, but the simple act of
smiling can actually help relieve stress and lower your blood pressure.
It can also boost your immune system to work better, probably because
you are more relaxed. This in turn helps your body release good things
like endorphins, natural painkillers, and serotonin, all of which make
you feel better and raise your spirits.

Smiling can even help you be more successful. When you smile,
you appear confident, and it's only natural that people react to that.
When a quick smile can help boost your energy, your looks, and your
confidence, there are so many reasons to smile. Why not do a smile
"check" throughout the day? It will help keep your mood and energy up,
where they belong.

So, stranger, say "cheese"!


Apr 11, 2007

The Law of Polarity


Uhhhmm, yep, that is correct ... absolutely correct,
I hit it right on !

Life isn't PerfectVILLE; neither are people.

Even though some in the spiritual community have tried
to teach you how to only SEE the roses of life, the
truth is this:

The more you expend energy - on whatever side of the
battery you want (negative or positive) - the more of
the opposing you'll end of HAVING to see.

The rose has its thorns and prickles.

The orchard produces sweet and sour, wholesome and
poisonous fruit.

Splendor and squalor, fragrance and filth, beauty and
See where I'm going with this ?

The Kybalian put it like this:


"Everything Is Dual; Everything Has Its
Pair Of Opposites; Like And Unlike Are
The Same; Opposites Are Identical In
Nature, But Different In Degree; Extremes
Meet; All Truths Are But Half Truths ;
All Paradoxes May Be Reconciled."


The way I say to utilize this LAW, which is called
The Law of Polarity, is like this:

While the rest of the world only see problems,
opportunities and solutions in two shades, black or
white, you can strike the perfect balance by being
aware of two seemingly opposite points of view.

Or, to hear how one of the mentors utilized this law,
while being filmed for "The Secret," listen to the quick
audio to hear what Mr. James Ray has to say.


Apr 1, 2007

"Does The Secret Law of Attraction Really Work ?"

The Law of Attraction is an idea that is widespread in
New Age and New Thought philosophy. It posits to never
dwell on the negative, as the metaphysical principle of
life is embodied in a "law of attraction": "you get what
you think about, your thoughts determine your destiny."

I came across into this short video today and thought
you might enjoy it too :)